Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10 (Anaconda)

This post is a step-by-step process for using Jupyter notebooks on a Windows 10 PC.

Download your desired Anaconda version and follow the steps pictured.

Anaconda download URL: https://www.anaconda.com/download/

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2018-04-30 20_43_09-Downloads _ Anaconda ‎- Microsoft Edge.png
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2018-04-30 20_47_47-Anaconda3 5.1.0 (64-bit) Setup.png
2018-04-30 21_01_38-Anaconda3 5.1.0 (64-bit) Setup.png

Microsoft VSCode is not an install requirement. If you do not wish to install Microsoft VSCode, click the Skip button.

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2018-04-30 21_04_50-Anaconda3 5.1.0 (64-bit) Setup.png
2018-04-30 21_05_21-Anaconda3 5.1.0 (64-bit) Setup.png

Anaconda is now installed. To create a new Jupyter Notebook server instance, in your Start menu:

  1. Type Anaconda
  2. Right-click the Anaconda Prompt desktop app
  3. Select "Run as administrator"
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When prompted, click "Yes"

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Navigate to the system director where you would like your Jupyter notebooks to be saved. Below is an example command to navigate to Documents system directory.

cd C:\Users\TempOS\Documents

*Note* TempOS should be replaced with your Windows username 

2018-04-30 21_10_10-Administrator_ Anaconda Prompt.png

Enter "jupyter notebook" into the command prompt and press Enter on your keyboard.

2018-04-30 21_19_52-Administrator_ Anaconda Prompt.png

Copy and paste the URL displayed in the command prompt into a web browser. Navigate to the URL.

In order to create a new Jupyter notebook, click New>Python 3 notebook. 

2018-04-30 21_22_23-Administrator_ Anaconda Prompt - jupyter  notebook.png

Picture below is an example Jupyter notebook.

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